Tolleston High School, Gary Indiana
The Tolleston Community is located on the West Side of Gary, Indiana. It is one of the oldest neighborhoods in the city. There are several smaller establishments such as service stations, neighborhood grocery stores, restaurants, car washes and churches of various denominations in this community. Tolleston Middle School functioned as the hub of community activities for several years due to many parents of those students being graduates of Tolleston High School.
Tolleston High School created a tradition of academic and athletic excellence which promoted loyalty not found in many schools and communities. Several community groups utilized the facility; thus, a sentiment was created which fostered the belief that the complete renovation of Tolleston School would be a great benefit to the educational process, as well as, to the community. The school has since been repurposed and is now the new home of the Boys and Girls Club which continues to serve the community by addressing the needs of its youth.
(Excerpts of this information are courtesy of the Tolleston Middle School Alumni page https://www.facebook.com/TollestonMiddleSchoolAlumniPage.)