
The Gary Sports Hall of Fame was incorporated as a not for profit corporation with a 501 (c) 3 tax status. The purpose of the Gary Sports Hall of Fame is to recognize and honor athletes, coaches, officials and participants in various athletic areas from Gary, Indiana who achieved excellence.  The Hall of Fame desires to identify these outstanding individuals or groups ensuring that their contribution to Gary’s rich sports history is not forgotten.

Over the years, the Board of Directors and community stakeholders have worked collaboratively to identify an initial list of potential inductees based on an established criterion. The guiding criteria for inductees include residency, sport career highlights, prior achievements and awards, citizenship and leadership.

The Gary Sports Hall of Fame members will host an annual class of inductees’ event honoring awardees by displaying their accomplishment on the Wall of Fame. We partnered with Indiana University Northwest (IUN), and their new Arts and Sciences Building was selected as the best location to house the Wall of Fame. This website and other social media outlets will be utilized to encourage the public to submit the names of potential honorees for future classes to come.  Additionally, the organization has established a fund development plan to ensure the long-term sustainability of its programs and activities.